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Enable Linux on Chromebook

See a TA while following these instructions

Give Linux access to your Downloads Folder

  • Open My Files
  • Click Give Linux Access


Download Pycharm

  • Download the tar.gz for Linux version of the Community edition (You have to scroll down a bit)
    • Maybe try the AMD version, it might avoid the JRE error described below.
    • Additionally apparently a command line version of the installation exist and that might also be better.
  • Unpack the pycharm folder to the Linux Files Folder (You can just double click tar.gz and copy the folder over)
  • Run cd ./pycharm-community-2023.3.2/bin/ or whatever version of pycharm was installed
  • Then bash ./

If you have the no JRE found error

Run sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk

Make a bash script called with these lines. Edit them for your pycharm version and username.

#! /usr/bin/bash
cd /home/username/pycharm-community-2023.3.2/bin
PYCHARM_JDK=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64 bash

Then you can run pycharm with:


You can just type bash st and then tab.

  • When Pycharm launches you want to go Settings>Make Desktop… unless you ran the complicated way.
  • Then continue set-up as usual